
Museum of Khentii – this is the premiere museum in Khentii. It is open from 9am-6pm Tuesday-Saturday and costs 1,500 T per person. The museum, which is a set of small buildings from a former Buddhist temple, includes an impressive replica of Chinngis Khan’s ger, along with an extensive collection of historical pieces from the area. Well worth a visit.

Buddhist Monastery – located south of town and to the west of the bridge crossing the Kherlen river, is the recently renovated Buddhist Monastery surrounded by large white walls. It is an impressive structure and one of the most beautiful places in Khentii.

Turkic Balbal – located 7km southwest of town past the old airport is a stone man from the Turkic era. Look for the blue habuks blowing in the wind. The intricacies of the stone carving and the age of the stoneman are very impressive. Be sure to bring a small offering of food or money to leave at the balbal.

Khan Park – this is the centrally located city park in Ondorkhaan. It starts at the Museum of Khentii and ends at the sports complex. There are a few monuments and tanks from the Soviet era. The park also includes a monument with the image of an approaching Mongol horse and a stone status of Chinngis Khan.